
Ignoring for a moment the influence of the pinnae, the head may be regarded as a pair of holes separated by a spherical obstacle. —Brian C.J. Moore, An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing

One for the oscillator, two for the frequencies in equal measure. I’m a compliant receiver, pan-spectral. Zoned out on the pixelated fixation cross, counting target tones. It’s a semiotic test: shortwave crackle announcing presence without meaning. In the beginning was the block of noise we hacked speech out of. My eyes on their cables saccade to the static behind the electrode net. When the test ends I nod off to the 60-cycle music of the grid.

Zack Anderson holds an MFA from the University of Notre Dame. His book reviews and critical writings can be found in Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, and the Action Books blog, and his poems have recently appeared in Fairy Tale Review, New Delta Review, and Denver Quarterly. He is a PhD candidate at the University of Georgia, where he serves as a Graduate Editor for The Georgia Review.