from “The Moan Wilds”
That I can see a body of water, touch the bottom with my hands, recognize it as a kind of light that shakes me in the afternoon. That I want to call it a blessing, or simply, a whole situation. I understand, having been wasted enough to explain the stars. I understand, having edged the wedding, or any gathering that happens to require lace and champagne. I understand, because I memorized it, and the truth is that I already knew it. I want to let it be what it is, which is stark. I could tell you what kind, but the heat is exhausting, so just throw me, baby, into the body, the water, where the blood is.
from “The Moan Wilds”: [When I say it gets heavy]
from “The Moan Wilds”: [When it got bad]
from “The Moan Wilds”: [The bathing suit I improvised]
from: “The Moan Wilds”: [Bend me into the light]