Mixed Variants of Unknown Significance


Patricia Dienstfrey. Asemic Cobweb: Anon

5          so why do I count
7          does it even make a diff
7          when I love not numbers but
5          words what do I care
5          what a poet does
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          syllable line stress
5          objects in a tree
7          that might not even be there
7          not every poet is
5          a puzzle master

5          objects in a tree
7          when I love not numbers but
5          what a poet does

5          so why do I count
7          what might not even be there
5          what a poet does

5          words what do I care
7          does it even make a diff
5          a puzzle master

5          so why do I count
7          what might not even be there
5          words what do I care

5          words what do I care
7          not every poet is
5          what a poet does

5          syllable line stress
7          does it even make a diff
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          what might not even be there
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          so why do I count

5          words what do I care
7          not every poet is
5          a puzzle master

5          syllable line stress
7          does it even make a diff
5          so why do I count

5          words what do I care
7          what might not even be there
5          what a poet does

5          so why do I count
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          when I love not numbers but
5          a puzzle master

5          objects in a tree
7          does it even make a diff
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          what might not even be there
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          not every poet is
5          a puzzle master

5          words what do I care
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          when I love not numbers but
5          what a poet does

5          what a poet does
7          does it even make a diff
5          so why do I count

5          so why do I count
7          not every poet is
5          words what do I care

5          words what do I care
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          syllable line stress

5          so why do I count
7          does it even make a diff
5          words what do I care

5          words what do I care
7          when I love not numbers but
5          syllable line stress

5          syllable line stress
7          when I love not numbers but
5          words what do I care

5          what a poet does
7          what might not even be there
5          objects in a tree

5          what a poet does
7          not every poet is
5          so why do I count

5          words what do I care
7          does it even make a diff
5          what a poet does

5          words what do I care
7          what might not even be there
5          so why do I count

5          what a poet does
7          what might not even be there
5          words what do I care

5          objects in a tree
7          when I love not numbers but
5          so why do I count

5          what a poet does
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          a puzzle master

5          so why do I count
7          does it even make a diff
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          does it even make a diff
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          not every poet is
5          what a poet does

5          words what do I care
7          when I love not numbers but
5          what a poet does

5          objects in a tree
7          does it even make a diff
5          so why do I count

5          syllable line stress
7          does it even make a diff
5          a puzzle master

5          words what do I care
7          what might not even be there
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          a puzzle master

5          what a poet does
7          when I love not numbers but
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          does it even make a diff
5          so why do I count

5          what a poet does
7          not every poet is
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          not every poet is
5          objects in a tree

5          what a poet does
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          what might not even be there
5          a puzzle master

5          so why do I count
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          what a poet does

5          what a poet does
7          when I love not numbers but
5          a puzzle master

5          objects in a tree
7          does it even make a diff
5          what a poet does

5          words what do I care
7          does it even make a diff
5          syllable line stress

5          what a poet does
7          when I love not numbers but
5          so why do I count

5          so why do I count
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          words what do I care

5          syllable line stress
7          when I love not numbers but
5          a puzzle master

5          what a poet does
7          does it even make a diff
5          words what do I care

5          so why do I count
7          does it even make a diff
5          a puzzle master

5          words what do I care
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          what a poet does

5          what a poet does
7          what might not even be there
5          syllable line stress

5          objects in a tree
7          does it even make a diff
5          a puzzle master

5          so why do I count
7          not every poet is
5          objects in a tree

5          syllable line stress
7          when I love not numbers but
5          what a poet does

5          objects in a tree
7          when I love not numbers but
5          a puzzle master

5          syllable line stress
7          does it even make a diff
5          words what do I care

5          so why do I count
7          does it even make a diff
5          objects in a tree

5          what a poet does
7          does it even make a diff
5          a puzzle master

5          what a poet does
7          not every poet is
5          a puzzle master

5          objects in a tree
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          words what do I care

5          words what do I care
7          when I love not numbers but
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          a puzzle master

5          syllable line stress
7          when I love not numbers but
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          does it even make a diff
5          what a poet does

5          what a poet does
7          what might not even be there
5          words what do I care

5          objects in a tree
7          when I love not numbers but
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          when I love not numbers but
5          so why do I count

5          objects in a tree
7          does it even make a diff
5          words what do I care

5          what a poet does
7          does it even make a diff
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          not every poet is
5          syllable line stress

5          objects in a tree
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          a puzzle master

5          what a poet does
7          not every poet is
5          words what do I care

5          syllable line stress
7          when I love not numbers but
5          words what do I care

5          objects in a tree
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          what a poet does

5          what a poet does
7          what might not even be there
5          so why do I count

5          syllable line stress
7          when I love not numbers but
5          so why do I count

5          so why do I count
7          what might not even be there
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          when I love not numbers but
5          objects in a tree

5          words what do I care
7          when I love not numbers but
5          a puzzle master

5          what a poet does
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          syllable line stress

5          what a poet does
7          does it even make a diff
5          objects in a tree

5          what a poet does
7          not every poet is
5          objects in a tree

5          so why do I count
7          when I love not numbers but
5          syllable line stress

5          words what do I care
7          not every poet is
5          so why do I count

5          objects in a tree
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          so why do I count

5          objects in a tree
7          when I love not numbers but
5          words what do I care

5          what a poet does
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          words what do I care

5          objects in a tree
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          syllable line stress

5          so why do I count
7          what might not even be there
5          a puzzle master

5          so why do I count
7          when I love not numbers but
5          words what do I care

5          what a poet does
7          why look for hidden patterns
5          so why do I count

5          what a poet does
7          not every poet is
5          what a poet does

Dale Going’s poetry includes the collections The View They Arrange (Kelsey Street Press) and As/of the Whole (SFSU Award, selected by Brenda Hillman) as well as numerous chapbooks, broadsides and artists' books. Her work has received support from Fund for Poetry, California Arts Council, Yaddo and Djerassi Fellowships. Her Em Press letterpress editions of poetry by women are archived internationally in prominent library special collections. She co-founded the quarterly ROOMS, which for a decade published formally innovative work of women writers and artists. New poems appear or are forthcoming in VOLT, New American Writing, Blood Orange Review, Banyan Review, Digital Vestiges, Equinox, Ginosko Review, Griffel, LandLocked, The Listening Eye, Magazine 1, Milk Press, Nelligan Review, Public School Poetry, Stone Canoe, Tiger Moth Review, Under a Warm Green Linden, Wild Roof Journal, and the exhibition catalog of Ars poetica at the BRAHM Museum in North Carolina. A chapbook is forthcoming from Brian Teare’s Albion Books. She lives in Manhattan and the Adirondack Park. https://linktr.ee/dalegoing