Bark, Archive, Splinter
Where are you from
Spinning an agrestal tale
Gold and poison, some flight without end, the dress rehearsal, how Europe will perish, imminent destruction, the fatal
illusion, a murderous rain, microbial warfare, and as for the bibliography
Land reformation
Bark, archive, splinter
So what do you owe these trees
To become, one must, you shall, his obligation, your debt, your fault, his blame, to become, to have to, to be absolutely required to,
to want to be part of his past, to have this present, and just as your future is
Bark, archive, splinter
Some mottos for wood
Militarised bark, lichen camouflage. Platoon of
Everyday weather of lyric violence
Bark, archive splinter
Congress of birds
Deictic: To build a site for speech, before the arrival of language data
Reorientation: What do you remember about the earth
A certain British dialect and lexicon reveals the distinction between two bodies and one carcass
In your vitiated memory, a German accent is let loose in Porto