

You bring in a fern frond from the front garden

I open a bottle of wine

You tuck the stem in the corkscrew

and put it in the center of the table

I slide a travel guide under one of the legs to stop it from wobbling

We make pasta with nearly spent tomatoes I brought up from Pittsburgh

The next morning you pull at the frond and we talk some more

about our relationship. This is self similarity

the leaf of each fern 

the frond recreated in miniature

until it’s impossible to part anymore

Margaret Saigh is a writer, dancer, and educator. She is the author of the chapbook CROSSED IN THE DARKER LIGHT OF TERROR (dancing girl press 2022), a graduate of the MFA program at the University of Pittsburgh, and the creator of circlet, a virtual poetry workshop. Her poems have been featured in Peach Mag, Plainsongs, and Figure 1, and are forthcoming in Calyx Journal and Exposition Review, among others.