The wheel of history is being turned
Terns skim the wetlands which are evaded by the tiller
The tiller is the lever which turns the wheel
The wheel levers the tiller and is attached to the rudder
The rudder maneuvers the ship like a shark fin
Fine establishment you’ve got here
Her? Oh, she’s my sister
Sinister machinations of the governing classes
Classy napkins on mechanical ships
Monocled blips in standardized design
Designation of rights
To your right, the Chancellor twists the proverbial spigot
The proverbial spigot clinches it for her allies
And all I got was this T-shirt
Shirts are not weapons despite the exuberant cannon
Can you hear the rats?
Route through the barrel
Perilous froth frothing mouths of the mighty
Might we get out of this mess
Miss? I think you dropped some coins
Coincidence? I think not
Knots (mathematical variety)
Varieties of rye, amber, wax
Wax is overlain with a spool of wool
Wool socks illumined by pink salt lamps
Limp salt is grated from a belly and boiled for top dollar
Dollar, I said, but I meant to say Euro
Europe, the continent
Content am I
Eyes boring holes in a glassy house
Housing is a nightmare
A nightmare I had last night: Vultures picked at my chantilly lace top
Atop of which I wore an orange cashmere sweater
Swearing, the vultures squished silkworms in their enameled beaks
Bespeaking the moment’s sentiment
Sediment finds itself
A shelf of tripods beside a twinkling body of liquid
Liquefied natural gas
Guess it all started with my ill-fitting shoes
Sure, she said, collecting her thoughts on a sinking ship
Ships are sovereign
Rein it in, ladies
Let’s each order a separate entrée
Enter through the spiral staircase and pivot to your left
Leave behind the grove of marshy wood, children sucking on juice, disinterested onlookers
Look at me pick at my dilapidated entrée
Untrue to say I was entirely disinterested
Distrusting those tendering us
Uselessly, let’s
Legs will only get you so far
Furthermore, you are not a special agent of change
Change is a declension, you know?
No. I do not … at least not precisely
Concisely: Mean is not medium is not meridian is not average
In a rage I scampered along a leafy footpath,
Took a bath
Bathed in amniotic fluid like a squished-out pustule
Pistils, but make it vernacular
Oracular cousins fair
Far prefer to dither
Defer to a particle-board landscape punctuated by peanut shells
Shill an Andrew Jackson for a dinner
Son, you’re a sinner
The winner takes it all. There is only
One who wins it
It's not that complicated
Complication being I am nonfunctional
“Functional movement” is movement that is strategic
Strategy is the overall plan. Tactics is every excruciating step
Stop. Mangers are not baby beds
Beds are not troughs
Troughs are not weeping mangers
Major life changes up ahead:
Had you considered this, too?
To think we should cease
Crease the heavy curtains in the basement
Abasement means “having cause to feel shame”
Same. I am comparatively well-off
Well, off you go scampering to the walled medieval city
Citizens of all lands
Landed gentry
Gentlemens’ clubs
Clubs not thwacked against the delicate areas of the neck
Heck, I’m in Lübeck
Lübeck is known for its almond Marzipan (among other things it is known for)
Four score and seven years ago
Ego, the jovial one …
Au passant one …
Once you see it …
It was all in an award-winning commercial
Commercial ships ferried soldiers and their arms
Arms were attached to shoulders
Soldiers creaked against the boards of the frigate
A rivet in the bane of my existence
The bane of my existence
My existence’s bane
Bay window