2yrs 5mo
love means
sober up
or per-
or you
look in
the face
of your
and think
what the fuck
was I thinking
how did I
get myself
here or
I have no
love for you
or I have
like a fruit
and am now
too old
to fall
for that
same old
shit or
your teeth
hit the pit
and you spit
it out lustily
psst it’s my
and I feel
old and withered
like a pair
of ragged
claws scuttling
across the floors
of silent c’s
and wonder
is sovereignty
being un-
with whether
anyone thinks
of us whilst
next to barnacles
or is it
that another
blesses us
with drop-
lets of their
like blood
spatter from
a chicken
as the green
yard looks up
at blue sky?
I can’t deny
that I sizzle
here for want
of something
but I know
how bad
things can
get but I
don’t under-
stand how to
be both an
iguana and
a human
being that is
tethered to
pain by fan-
like gills
coursing with
sense and er-
oding or one
with the bar-
nanacled pylons
watching sea-
spray and rush-
ing current
or not so
invested in
the human or
not so knit
with fear or
not so sewn
with beads
of ideation
or is that
just the death
drive or
just a winding
down which I
don’t want
yet but can’t
find some re-
lease or as
they say in
the program
can’t live
life on life’s
terms what is
it to live
life on life’s
terms like
something out
of a Beckett
of a castaway
among iguanas
that are just
iguanas among
barnacles that
are just barnacles
not some sharp
chorus whistling
demonic ass-
how do we
live life on
life’s terms
amid the end-
less fuckery
and being
and feeling
how do we
walk through
the fire how
do we per-
severe while
remaining alive
how are we
supposed to
make it I
don’t fucking
get it even
as I’ve had
it relatively
good I think
it is impossible
they make their
world so hard
how are we
supposed to
keep fighting
and not de-
stroy ourselves
or others
or just die
how are we
going to make
it when satisfaction
is in such
short supply
when everything
is nothing and
we feel dead?