The Cut Point
The trashmen do come
and that’s a miracle
on top of the marvel of
home water heaters
and central air cooling
Your whole life
is brained up
by designs of others
alongside others
executing plans
This density
of intentions
is the world
you navigate
even in sleep
There’s a Grand Rebellion
against this world
taking many forms
one such one is
lyric poetry
These failed rebellions
deepen the myths
we tell ourselves
about ourselves
in kooky ways
Why’s everything become
rejoinder on rejoinder
this ceaseless
chatty inflation
The trashmen know
the cut point
AC repair crews know
the cut point
some poets maybe
The density is we
the needle to cloth
is we and surely
the rivet to plate
is Zoon Politikon
The ‘likes’ and ‘follows’
do come
dressed as miracles
vaguely intentional
fizzling fast
Behold (is an old word
meant to—behold
what’s beholden
to something
say, this tub faucet)
The density
of intention here
calls up legions of
poetic actors
pushing limits
The water that flows
is a cut point
the pipes that held it
are cut points
the dam, the dials
But what about clouds
have we rebelled
against wily whisperings
are clouds merely
No matter, the trashmen
have arrived
on top of the marvel of
a no. 2 pencil
tracking the point