Late Show

Evening heretical. Lately aflame. Thousands of glass shards. Scintillating. Under the glare of a truck’s headlights. Wind which skirts to dress. [Billboard lit with a murder victim’s face][HAVE YOU DONE YOUR HEART?] Which was left undressed. Somewhen a man separates soft tissue from its grave. Somewhen a prophet heaves. Glittering from the balcony. Whereas in four cantos a gilded war proceeds. And dust thrown is the same dust. I am alive as a true owl torques its head, sees 180 futures on an axis of bone. Look! Volcanic snow. A forward-facing god. Through street lamps. Flickering phosphorescent. And furious. I am. Undressing. In the non-euclidian room. Fire storms. Water boils. Atoms quilt into flesh. I press my hands to my temples. To the ground. Possessed. Becoming someone or something. Breathing bleeding into. The blessed. The blessed.

Temperance Aghamohammadi is an Acolyte of the Exquisite. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in New England Review, Passages North, The Kenyon Review, The Hopkins Review, The Missouri Review, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. Hailing from the Northeast, she currently haunts the Midwest.