Best Wishes


I arrive each day
with belongings 

that make no sense:
a buzz saw for the garden,

irises to be planted
in the long grunt of winter,

and a tall clear glass 
with the bottom 

cut out. What we carry
becomes a type of memoir 

to hold a memory down. 
Most observations end up

reframed into true or false
questions, but the act of asking

means more than the result.
Alright, we are doing 

things half-right—if there’s
a book that records my 

mistakes, I hope you will have
time to eat its pages before 

I make my way 
to the heaven that’s been left

perfect enough to disrupt.

Adam Clay’s latest book, To Make Room for the Sea, was published by Milkweed Editions in 2020. He teaches at the University of Southern Mississippi and edits Mississippi Review.