Crystals for Home Protection, Two Stars


I wasn’t so lucky, and my pieces weren’t as beautiful.
I’ve tried the many kinds this company offers:
“Quit Smoking Gems,” “Pleasant Period,” “Teenager
Benevolence Crystals,” even “Bullying Support” when
he was younger. I’ve stopped some nasty habits
but from a fear of dying, rather than these rocks.
Sorry, I don’t mean to offend anyone who believes.
There’s just work to be done, most things are hard
and I’d like to be the force in charge of my life.

Hannah Treasure is a Lecturer in the Department of English at Clemson University. She received her MFA in Poetry from Brooklyn College. Her work appears or is forthcoming in The Greensboro Review, The Brooklyn Rail, Ghost City Review, Sonora Review, No Dear, Volume Poetry, and elsewhere.