Plumbing Company, Three Stars
It’s my karmic punishment, I told the plumber, but he didn’t inquire further.
He wanted to know how all that glass ended up in my sink. Well, we have to
start at the beginning, I argued, you may think I look like a good girl now
but you should know I stole those ramekins. Oh. He looked disappointed.
Are you disappointed in me? He shook his head. You’re just human, and I
thought you might not be, he admitted, I’ve stolen a few things myself.
He handed over my car keys, which hung off his belt loop. Oh, don’t
beat yourself up about it, I said. I should have noticed you took —
No, I should have never signed up for this — No, I wasn’t supposed to
even own property — Listen, my heart is in another state —
I understand, we said in unison. I let him fish around for shards in peace.