Asked if
she answered:
Asked if
she answered:
Asked if
she answered
Asked whether
Asked of
she answered:
Asked whether
Asked whether
she answered yes
she answered:
Asked if
she answered:
Asked if
she answered
Asked whether
Asked of
she answered:
Asked whether
Asked whether
she answered yes
the queen did not inquire
about her taking
to a man’s dess
“I do not remember”
her king or queen did not
sometimes ask her to put off
her man’s dress
“That is not in your case”
others did not offer her
woman’s dress
that others had often
asked her to wear it
God had revealed to her
that she should change
to a man’s dress
“You will learn no more
for the present”
what material
“white satin, and on some
there were fleurs-de-lys”
the good wives did not touch
her ring with their own
“many women touched
my hands and rings; but I do
not know with what intention
she received the sacraments
in man’s dress
but does not remember
receiving them
when she was in armor
about her taking
to a man’s dess
“I do not remember”
her king or queen did not
sometimes ask her to put off
her man’s dress
“That is not in your case”
others did not offer her
woman’s dress
that others had often
asked her to wear it
God had revealed to her
that she should change
to a man’s dress
“You will learn no more
for the present”
what material
“white satin, and on some
there were fleurs-de-lys”
the good wives did not touch
her ring with their own
“many women touched
my hands and rings; but I do
not know with what intention
she received the sacraments
in man’s dress
but does not remember
receiving them
when she was in armor
The Afternoon of the Same Day, In Prison
The Ordinary Trial
JOAN is alone / on stage / in the woods
Here Begin the Preceedings Against a Dead Woman Named Jeanne
February 27. Fourth Session