From One Position
a mourning dove calls the mouth closed call it calls to couple
with the mower a row and several lawns over continuing to stall in one position
blading the air in static excision rote sun under green gone to shine less directly
on me as I wanted no more the mower the ornamental openings of the labors of
the long low lawns I grew out from the proper song that to hear returns an dread
beyond reason but sounds of the dove its open-air carriage there beyond reason
to the level of the flat-mown lawns from the grasses low I have heard the hollow
the genitive rotation of the accompaniment to the so-called proper six-note song
from the widespreading ground in abundance the resilient song the prolific dove
the monogamous of least concern in open and semi-open country elliptical dove
in cloth sacks most hunted shy millet to lure there and with leaden shot the dove
despite the consumed of singly sung adapted to areas altered of a dove alteration
in me of dove and grasses torn of grasses tearing figure not the dove not the dove
of the mower clear vehicle of dread across the lawn grasses torn too clean too un
tangling too low and too tended too many clearings too after the courting of dove
a green beneaths green a green uniformity perforces the mower its waiting for the
grasses to grow to establish and preoccupy with purpose the mowing its terminus
whirs the sounding stops of the mower whether made to go itself across a ground
vehicle self propelled via human pushing froward vehicle is stopped its one note
exhaust when has it stopped before the ongoing dove the sound dove and dread
run out the living throat coursing over the coo that carries into silence before lift
off the vans through air inaudible except from very close very close microphones
hinges on a door and at a remove of some hours a shift in this what had sounded
of a motor powering the bladed mower going nowhere is an engine tethered to a
hollow hose winded back into the company vehicle approaching now a vacuum