
In Memory of Alexei Navalny

it is the end of the day
what matters at the end of the day

time is not there for us
it is not there for them                      

time belongs to a body
of work to be dealt with by dawn                            

the business is sketchy
it’s a draft, skipping a couple of days

time is of the essence
but it runs off course                                    

has rolled под откос                                                                          

taucht ein in die enttäuschung                                    
in the name and mire of hope

Inna Krasnoper is a poet and artist based in Berlin. Her Russophone poetry collections include Нитки торчат (Loose Threads), published by Voznesensky Center, and  Дорогой человек (Dear Person) from Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. Her writing in English has appeared in SAND, Ghost Proposal, Poetry Daily, Pocket Samovar, Oversound, 128 LIT, and TILT. Inna is the author of two chapbooks: Over Sight (Eulalia Books, 2024) and Sealed (Black Sunflowers Poetry Press, 2024). Her full-length poetry collection dis tanz is forthcoming from Veliz Books in March 2025.