
you said blah and it’s poetry
you said бля and it’s poetry
you said nothing and that ought to be poetry
you left poetry out and stayed
you stated you are outstaying poetry
you stayed on the margins
you said vagina and it was gigantic
you brought up crocodile gena and his genetics
you said poetics and it's singular
you said gulag and yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug
you moved out and settled
you led your poetry elsewhere
you have pronounced your patronymic
it wants to translate as wolf
you were told you are getting somewhere
you were told you are getting somewhat
you’ve taken water into your mouth
you are still mixing up german pronouns
you have named what your poetry means
you have the means to outgame your poetry
your poetry weighs a lot           
you load your poetry into traveling storages
your story is outrageous

Inna Krasnoper is a poet and artist based in Berlin. Her Russophone poetry collections include Нитки торчат (Loose Threads), published by Voznesensky Center, and  Дорогой человек (Dear Person) from Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. Her writing in English has appeared in SAND, Ghost Proposal, Poetry Daily, Pocket Samovar, Oversound, 128 LIT, and TILT. Inna is the author of two chapbooks: Over Sight (Eulalia Books, 2024) and Sealed (Black Sunflowers Poetry Press, 2024). Her full-length poetry collection dis tanz is forthcoming from Veliz Books in March 2025.