
what do my dad and i have in common
we came about in a similar way
our upbringing was divergent
i was already up, he kept bringing it on

i floated indefinitely, until a choice came about
he had an accident with wires as a kid
he couldn't get the right university cred
despite excelling in math, he did not pass
not universal enough

he was set up to fail
he was set up to fall
i had it falling into my hands
i had it coming in handy
i weighed little but waited, it made me more insistent

i also have a sister
she is due for a second coming about about now
her second coming is also a human
my second coming was the choice of the first cat

another person is on the tip of my tongue
the one who bears it
and bore us

only i wonder sometimes
from whom exactly
does a mother acquire her tongue

and if there’s a line to continue
with whom do i share my part

Inna Krasnoper is a poet and artist based in Berlin. Her Russophone poetry collections include Нитки торчат (Loose Threads), published by Voznesensky Center, and  Дорогой человек (Dear Person) from Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. Her writing in English has appeared in SAND, Ghost Proposal, Poetry Daily, Pocket Samovar, Oversound, 128 LIT, and TILT. Inna is the author of two chapbooks: Over Sight (Eulalia Books, 2024) and Sealed (Black Sunflowers Poetry Press, 2024). Her full-length poetry collection dis tanz is forthcoming from Veliz Books in March 2025.